About Us

About Us

Biotechnology is one of the leading sectors of modern economy and one of the most dynamically developing industries. It searches and provides efficient solutions to the problems faced by mankind: healing (red biotechnology), improvement of quality of life, production of healthy food and animal feed (white biotechnology), solving the problems of environmental pollution and renewable sources of energy (green biotechnology) these are all part of biotechnology’s present and future scope of duties.

Industrial and green biotechnology are both based on the integrated adaption of modern technologies which provide modern technological instruments and solutions to issues such as the efficient treatment of the continuously worsening condition of the environment and the biosphere, the reduction of burden to the living and non living environment, the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources and sources of energy. These instruments and solutions can be:


  1. direct (local waste treatment, bioremediation, reduction of industrial discharge) and
  2. indirect (biological plant nutrition, rationalisation of the agricultural production, application of primary and secondary biological renewable biomass sources for energy).


We developed our products based on research results in green biotechnology. Our products are made with natural microbes and enzymes.

These new generation of substances contain starter cultures and biological agents such as industrial yeasts and bacteria, and biological factors such as enzymes, tensides. With these natural substances it is possible to increase yields in farming as well as in industrial production. Not only will these boost agrotechnology but will also enable the production of high-quality and healthy food while reducing the environmental burden at the same time.